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Religious Education

R.E. is taught to all children as they learn about the different main religions and humanism. They learn to appreciate the similarities and differences and develop a respect for views that are different to their own. Some of the units we teach address key questions about religion and allow the children to share their opinions in a respectful way.

Our school community is made up of children who follow the main faiths and children who do not have a faith. When we come together as a school, Key Stage or class for quiet reflection time in the school day, all children can reflect in the way they choose.

As part of our teaching we welcome visitors and visit places of worship.

Knowledge Organisers

Click on the links below to access the knowledge organisers for the relevant year groups.

Year 1 

The Family in Islam

What Makes a Special Place

Year 2

Books & Stories

Who is Jesus

Year 3

Jewish Family Life

How do People Pray

Year 4

Commitment & Belonging

Why is Easter the most important Festival to Christians

Year 5

Art & Music in Religion

Is Easter the Festival of new life or sacrifice?

Year 6




Parents have the right to withdraw their children from Religious Education and Acts of Worship. Please contact the headteacher if you would like to request your child's withdrawal.

Growing Together