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School Council

At the start of every year, one child from each class is voted to repesent their peers on the School Council! Their job is to listen to their classmates' ideas and record the results of any votes or discussions, before reporting to the school's leadership every half-term. Because of this, school councillors need to be responsible, dipolomatic and well-organised.

Our school council is made up of one representative from each class who has received the most votes from their classmates. Each of our school councillors has written a short piece about why they believe they would make a good school councillor.

The school council meet every Thursday at 2.20pm. The first job is to identify our priorities for the year. We do this by asking each class what they would most like to see happening or changing over the year. The minutes from our meetings are pinned to the school council display in school.

We then take each of our priorities and address them throughout the year.

We also take on other roles such as running a Santa’s grotto, helping out at the school fete, helping out at PTA events, running cake competitions and running an annual Easter Egg race.

School Newspaper

We have decided that this year for the first time we are going to try and produce a termly school newspaper. Each of our school councillors will contribute to the newspaper. We will try to give a flavour of not only what happens in our school, but also what is happening worldwide. We are going to interview teachers and report on their interests outside school.

We are going to be working with our digital leads in school who are going to format our articles and give them a professional look.

This is quite a big job and the hope is that we will start with small and expand as we become more confident.

We hope everyone enjoys the newspaper and learns lots from it. You can download our first edition from this page.



Growing Together