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Our curriculum is taught through subjects. Where links can be made between the subjects we make them. We have planned our curriculum by looking at each individual subject area and ensuring there is progression in that subject and there is time to revisit and learn the knowledge and skills in that area.

Within the school day English and Maths is usually taught in the morning. Morning sessions include time to practice Key maths skills and fluency as well as phonics teaching.

Subjects including History, Geography, Art, D.T., I.C.T, Music, P.S.H.E., R.E. are taught mainly in the afternoons but there is some flexibility to ‘block’ teaching where appropriate. History and Geography are taught in alternative half-terms as is Art and D.T. The children have two sport sessions a week which include an indoor and outdoor session.

Wow days are used to inspire the children as they begin a unit of work each half-term. This may be through a visit or an in school experience. Whole school Wow days take place each term and for most subjects this means they happen every two years. Whole school WoW days have taken place in Science, Art, History, Geography, Well-being and Sport. These days allow us to really focus in on one subject in detail and for the whole school to take part.

Growing Together