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Governing Body

The responsible authority of Jeavons Wood Primary School is the board of trustees of The Cam Academy Trust.  Responsibilities are delegated to the Local Governing Board in line with the Trust Scheme of Delegation.

There are three types of governor: Trust appointed, staff elected and parent elected, each for four-year terms. Additionally, the Trust and LGB can appoint individuals as 'Associate Members' who may have specialist skills or knowledge for a minimum term of one year, up to the maximum of four. They are not governors, and cannot vote, but they can attend governor meetings and can chair committees set up for a specific purpose. The Trust appoint the Chair and Vice Chair. The LGB must have a good balance of experience and the skills required to monitor and support a school's performance and to make evidence-based strategic decisions, while also supporting other schools within the Trust as required.

The role of the Governing Body is broad. They approve Trust targets for academic achievement, performance targets for the Headteacher, approve the school budget, appoint staff, approve school policies and many other roles.

The LGB both challenges and supports the Headteacher to facilitate pupil progress and to ensure the ethos and values of the school reflect local priorities and align with those of the Trust.

The total membership of the Governing Body shall be not fewer than nine members. These comprise

  • Two ex-officio members (CEO or Primary Executive Leader of The Trust and the Head/Principal)
  • A maximum of two elected members of staff
  • A maximum of two elected parents
  • A maximum of 10 governors appointed by the Trust

Find out about our current governors by clicking here.

If you wish to contact the governors, please email the clerk, Miss Terri Bonnett, 
Our Chair of Governors, Mr David Clarke, can be contacted via email on

Growing Together